Preventing Elderly Exploitation

Date: Monday, September 28, 2015
Time: 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Location: The William Penn Inn
Speaker: Diane M. Zabowski, Esquire, and David Jaskowiak, Esquire

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As Orphans’ Court litigators, Diane M. Zabowski, Esquire, and David A. Jaskowiak, Esquire are involved in cases which focus on the problems that individuals with cognitive decline face. The litigation involves a multi-disciplinary approach because they deal with geriatricians/psychologists/geriatric psychiatrists/neuro-psychologists/social workers/guardians/protective service workers/aging and adult services caseworkers/police officers/detectives/bankers and interested family members.

These cases involve vulnerable elderly people who are susceptible to scams and other designing individuals.  With the growing number of impaired elderly people, Ms. Zabowski and Mr. Jaskowiak see more children with a strong sense of entitlement.  They want to "control" their parents' resources, despite competing financial needs demonstrated by the parents.      

Planning for our later years is an admirable and necessary goal.  Ms. Zabowski and Mr. Jaskowiak get involved in many cases where there has been no planning or the planning goes awry.  They will address the concerns that you should have when trying to meet the needs of the more vulnerable senior citizens.

Ms. Zabowski is an attorney in Collegeville, Montgomery County, PA.  She received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1980 from King's College, graduating magna cum laude, and her Juris Doctor Degree from Emory University School of Law in 1983, where she was admitted to the Order of the Barristers. She concentrates her legal practice in the following areas:  Orphans' Court Litigation, Estate Planning and Domestic Relations.  She is court-appointed to represent alleged incapacitated persons.

Mr. Jaskowiak is a sole practitioner in Glenside, PA who has been in practice since 1987.  He received a Bachelor of Arts from La Salle College (now, University) in 1977, graduating maxima cum laude.  He received his law degree from Temple University in 1987, graduating cum laude.   His work in the area of elder law now focuses principally on litigation involving elder abuse, financial exploitation issues, filial support, and guardianships.  Mr. Jaskowiak also dedicates a portion of his practice to the areas of personal injury and insurance-related litigation. 

Our thanks to Montco Elder Law® for being the sponsor of this program.  Materials regarding their services will be made available at the meeting.

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